Welcome to our youth ministry page for the East Coast Conference.
Announcing UNITE East 2022!

A Covenant Experience with CIY’s MOVE Conference for high school youth groups
WHO: High school students (current grades 8-12) with their youth group
WHAT: Join other East Coast Covenant youth groups and other students from around the country for bands, speakers, seminars, afternoon activities, excursions, and more!
WHEN: Monday afternoon (July 25) – Friday afternoon (July 29)
WHERE: Salisbury University’s campus (Salisbury, Maryland)
WHY: an opportunity to grow closer to God and your youth group!
HOW: Register with your youth group leader! Early bird registration cost is $365.
For Youth Leaders:
To register your youth group click HERE. Click “continue”, then “create a group.” A $65 deposit/person is required to register.
Early bird registration fee is $365 and is valid until May 1.
The East Coast Conference has 200 spots guaranteed until March 1. After March 1, spots are first come, first serve.
East Coast Covenant churches will be housed together on campus.
For additional fellowship and to keep transportation costs down, churches are encouraged to travel together. Contact Corenna Hoyt (riyounglife@gmail.com) for help getting connected to other churches looking for travel buddies!
Please reach out to UNITE East contact, Alli Corriveau (alli@bethanycovenant.org), with questions. And stay tuned for more updates.
We are also excited to encourage youth ministry connections in our conference in three specific ways:
First, we want each youth worker to be known. We gather every second Tuesday of each month to build relationship and help each other be known.
Second, we want to care for you as well. Currently, Chris Wall is the Conference Coach for the East Coast Conference. He, along with two other youth network leaders, work hard to help you be cared for. Not only that, we have two overnight gatherings throughout the year (spring and fall) to help youth workers be cared for as they live into their calling.
Finally, we want to resource you! When we know each other and care for each other, we help resource each of you! One of the best ways is to join our facebook group called “East Coast Conference Youth Workers”. Here you will be able to ask questions, offer insights, and gain new resources.
For more information about our network or gatherings, feel free to contact:
Chris Wall