We are better together! Many of our vitality pastors gather together regionally for mutual support, resourcing, encouragement, and prayer.

OlsenTallest.BlackFarRtVitality Cohorts are established when a group of churches begin their vitality journey at the same time and are geographically close enough to meet together for mutual support, training, and interaction. These vitality cohorts are convened by our vitality coaches for lead pastors, where questions can be asked, issues can be discussed, and insights can be shared. These periodic gatherings allow us to live out two important values in the Covenant: We are in it together, and we are better together.

Missional Vitality and Church Health
We Help Churches Thrive

Together, we reimagine church health and empower mission by discerning what God is doing in the midst of our communities. We equip local churches to be strong, so that transformed people live out God’s mission in redemptive and impactful ways.

A diverse portfolio of missional vitality resources, assessments, workshops, and tools help you identify and focus on particular missional needs; reenvision local church life and ministry; and plan for the future. Visit our Covenant denomination’s Missional Vitality webpage to browse available resources.

Contact us in the Conference office today in order to contextualize and personalize what your church and leaders need to move forward in missional health.

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